Friday, November 4, 2011

The 6 Month Validity Passport Rule

The 6 month validity passport rule is believed by a number of to apply to each and every and all scenarios in which an American travels to an international destination. A large number of travelers have been frightened by effectively-intentioned pals who informed them on the eve of their departure that their soon-to-expire passport does not have enough validity to enable them to embark. This post will seek to provide clarity to this often cited passport requirement.

Every single country establishes the entry and exit requirements that visitors need to meet. Possible requirements include regardless of whether or not a person need to present a valid passport. Travel visas are required for lots of, but not all, destinations. A couple of places demand immunization records and/or HIV test final results. Criminal records are solicited for some places. A specific quantity of currency and proof of ongoing travel are needs that 1 might be expected to provide at a port of entry.

The most commonly required travel document is a valid passport. Expired passports are not accepted. Not only that but a large number of countries demand a specific amount of validity be remaining in a passport before a travelers is allowed to enter. The 6 month validity passport rule does exist and is needed by many countries such as...but it is not the only validity rule.

Countless countries need only a validity of only 3 months. All the countries that are party to the Schengen agreement follow this rule. The twenty-5 European countries that are component of this agreement consist of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

There are numerous countries outside of Europe that follow the 6 month validity passport rule. Some of the most favorite destinations that have this requirement are Brazil, China, Egypt, and Vietnam. Other locations that follow this rule are Burundi, Iran, Israel, Kiribati, Mauritius, Taiwan, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Uganda and Ukraine.

The lists above are not exhaustive. There are countless other locations that follow the three month or 6 month validity passport rule. Of course, there are also those countries like Mexico and Canada where no certain amount of validity needed. Travelers can check out these locations up to the date of their passports' expiration date. Considering there is such wide diversity of regulations, it is exceptionally critical that you verify the foreign entry needs for the places you program to check out. This will make certain that your passport's validity is appropriate.


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